I laugh because it is funny .
Date : Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Time : 9:58 PM
Title : Hello

Today, very guai (: Went to CCA (: First time in this year xD, skipped 3 times.. CCA as usual, march here and there.. got 1 command do till so long, turn here and there, going giddy.. Haha, Rongjin dunno whats kanan and kiri.. ps, dunno whether spell it correctly.. He keep turning wrong side xD haha.. After that, went to library with raktim to find Rachael.. Need do dare ): sad, played knuckle with her.. LOST (: .. Unbelievable xD

Date : Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Time : 6:40 PM
Title :

^^ Quite a good day, thought mother tongue will be bored but it didn't whereas its pe ==. Went dancing and dancing.. Can't believe we gonna do that on Achievement day.. Gonna be so paiseh xD
After school, saw jasper then wanted to go out with him but decided to go KFC find cheryl they all.. After that go find Rachael, Brigita down there too.. They laughing like mad, haha, first time see they all laugh till like that.. Then left library, went to find HuangXiang.. And saw Jasper again (: go Mac eat then go Popular buy step ahead but no stock too ): My name inside journal 2 times lehh ): sad, wanted a clean record (: Went home with Jasper, and met a s gangster.. HAhA, he pointed middle finger at us when he was about to leave the bus cause we two staring at him xD..

Date : Thursday, January 21, 2010
Time : 8:56 PM
Title : HeIIo

Today, went out with Qiwang, Cheryl, ZhiHui and Justin. Went to play basketball with Mingyao and Dejun.. Playing halfway Accidentally slapped Dejun face, can see he very angry.
Then he went to bang into me, i didn't care x) . Next, Qiwang turns, he trip Dejun.. Maybe is he fall down himself, i also don't know. Again, he very buai song liao and again bang Qiwang and slapped him in the face.. And the game stop, then go talk talk with Cheryl they all.. When going home, realised i lost my ez-link card.. when to Canberra Park and find, find for 5minutes and found it xD . Write till here lehh (:

Date : Sunday, January 17, 2010
Time : 9:26 PM
Title : HeLLo (:

Hello (: As usual, nothing to do today.. Wake up, eat breakfast, do asnlnlearn, buy lunch and play dotA. Nothing to say .. hehe :P

Date : Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Time : 6:37 PM
Title :

Hello (: . SIM card is spoiled ): Can't message.. sad . Today went to Cheryl house to do a project, a last minute de . Haha, but still its quite good (: . A monopoly, different from other's group xD
My Gymnasium and wedding center :X .. LOL, that Darul go write when i'm not noticing but better than YellowBear .. Haha

Date : Saturday, January 9, 2010
Time : 6:13 PM
Title : What A Bored Day

Hello (: Finally done my blog, after a few days from finding blogskin ==
Today spend my whole day doing nothing good or special.. Clean the whole house, buy lunch for sister to eat, listen to my sister singing == ear almost KABooM xD and then spend the whole day searching for skins.. Bored day, yet to finish homework.. Maybe tomorrow do bahh or else send to see mr raj ..

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  • My name is ShiAn. I come from Sembawang Secondary School and Im a good boy who eat my veggies . I like chocolate and lollipop although they make me kiddish . I hate spammers :D

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